Small Business Server 2008: The System That Saves Small Businesses

If you're reading this, you're probably stuck with a question. "Do we keep working the way we are now, or do we implement a new system?"

"The way we are now" probably has some issues, doesn't it? Too many emails, problems getting a new network in place, and the dreaded, "Who has the latest version of File X?"

There are many systems out there to help you conquer all these. However, many come with a high price tag for installation and/or support. Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 stands above the rest, both in terms of unlocking productivity and at a lower cost.

Unlock More Productivity in Your Current Workplace

Here's a brief picture of what Small Business Server 2008 can do:

--Each day, employees arrive and log onto the server. A list of their projects is waiting. One worker uploads necessary information into the SharePoint-based document repository, so two others can finish a quote for a prospective client.
--ForeFront has detected a phishing attempt sent by email. It's been blocked at the email server; nobody has to do anything.
--Jeff is sick and can't come in. But he's able to log in from home and reschedule his appointments. The server automatically notifies his department of the schedule changes.

Benefits of Using SBS 2008
  1. Everyone has anytime/anywhere access to their desktop, email, business applications and files.
  2. Share resources like printers, faxes, even Internet access between users.
  3. Your information is automatically protected by antivirus and anti-spam protection (see below).
  4. Updates are regularly supplied by Microsoft to keep your server, and your computers safe and healthy.
  5. Putting a central repository in place for storing company information helps improve day-to-day efficiency.
  6. Use SharePoint to coordinate projects, task lists and calendars from 1 location.
  7. Need to work remotely? SBS has remote access, enabling computers outside the network and mobile devices to work with the same access level as your office PC.
What's Included in Small Business Server: Want an even easier setup? Try hosting your Small Business Server with us!

The choice is between all this capability within 1 Small Business Server 2008, and muddling along with too much confusion until you can afford something big. When it comes to your company's productivity, is that really a choice?

Call our IT Consulting at 705.929.7236. Ask for a meeting about Small Business Server 2008 today.